Nature | City Co.
Beach Surf Decor
Est. 2012
Beach Surf Decor for your coastal home settings, Nature | City Co. is a Florida based e-commerce home decor brand and staging solution, showcasing our collection of in-house and personally designed nautical and tropical bedding, bath and interior accents for accentuating your surroundings and living spaces with.
Established in 2012, Nature | City Co. draws its inspiration from endless summer days.
Beach and Sea
From Fleece Blankets to Throw Pillows, Duvet Covers to Boudoir Pillows, Floor Pillows to Wall Tapestries, our collection of beach surf decor inspired home accents and goods comes from our love for everything beach and sea, inspired by our every day surroundings!
“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.”
- Isak Dinesen

Surf the Collection